This presentation explains benefits to users and the industry from the publication of the SMPTE RP 2110-25 and ST 2110 PICS specifications, the adoption of these documents by the JT-NM Tested program, and their inclusion in the latest version of the EBU's open-source LIST measurement tool for IP-based environments.
Presenter(s): Ievgen Kostiukevych (EBU), Pavlo Kondratenko (EBU), Willem Vermost (VRT)
This presentation was given at the SMPTE Toronto section’s 22nd Technical Conference, 15-17 June 2021, by the RP 2110-25 document editor Willem Vermost (VRT), the ST 2110 PICS document editor Pavlo Kondratenko (EBU), and JT-NM Tested program coordinator Ievgen Kostiukevych (EBU). The presentation is hosted here with permission of the SMPTE Toronto section.