The room was packed as we kicked off the annual Production Technology Seminar (PTS) 2016. With more than 130 delegates and 16 technology demonstrations from EBU Members and industry, it was hard to take in all the buzz and new projects at the same time. But we managed and we learned a lot along the way.
How will the production studio look in the future and how will we integrate our work? It’s clear that newsrooms already rely more on multi-skilling journalists than ever before. But how far does integration and multi-skilling go? Charles Bebert (Kane) and Karl Petermichl (ORF) set the scene for this year’s event in their keynote speeches looking at the topics of cross-media production and how broadcasters must continue to become smart and lean in the future.
Until recently, there was a clear recipe for success in media and entertainment. However, as media technology continues to evolve and new developments take place, broadcasters must look for innovative ways to share content across a multitude of different platforms. This year’s theme for PTS is: “Getting ready for the future.” So what are the latest trends in media technology? What should we as public service media take on board to stay competitive in the future? Read more.
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Presentations & videos
Presentations are available to delegates that have attended the event and to EBU Members. Please login to access them.