News Archive

You can find here all news posted on between 2008 and 2021. For our most recent news articles, visit our regular news listings page.


Producing more content while reducing carbon emissions in a time of shortage

Though sustainability is often linked to climate change, it also relates to other topics, such as the availability of technical resources. We already know today that we can’t get all the graphics cards...

5G-RECORDS: making 5G work for the storytellers

By leading the technical work for the EU-funded 5G-RECORDS project, the EBU can ensure that emerging production tools will be well matched to the needs of public service media, writes Hans Hoffmann.

Building the next phase of the global 5G infrastructure

3GPP contributed the Partner Profile to the most recent issue of tech-i magazine. With “5G Advanced”, the organization takes its next step in developing standards for the global 5G system. 3GPP’s December...

Using 5G network slicing to create new public service opportunities

Building on earlier experiences with 5G-based live productions, RTVE investigated how a portable small-cell network could help coverage of events in isolated locations, writes David Corral Hernández.

EBU Live IP Software Toolkit – more features, more user-friendly

EBU LIST – with a new version just released – has become the industry’s go-to solution for media-over-IP test and measurement. Built by and for broadcasters, it is open source and incorporates the latest...

STADIEM: calling innovators to enhance Europe’s next-generation media ecosystem

The EBU is leading ecosystem engagement for the STADIEM project, engaging with stakeholders across Europe to connect promising start-ups/scale-ups active in the media sector with a large network of established...


Keeping humans at the heart of our technological evolution

At Belgium’s RTBF, the Technology Department is a driving force behind the ongoing digital transformation. Beyond technologies, however, lies the human challenge, and it will remain at the heart of the...

Better safe than sorry – how 5G Broadcast can save lives

Looking back to the catastrophic flooding that happened in Germany last summer, Jochen Mezger of ARD’s Competence Center for International Frequency Management explains why the fight to protect UHF spectrum...

Setting realistic targets to improve the gender balance of our event programmes

The under-representation of women working in the field of media technology will not be solved overnight. The EBU Technology & Innovation Department is committed to playing its part.

How do we win the war for media and innovation talent?

In order to continue to grow, public service media need to invest into their future to prevent digital giants from absorbing the innovators of today and tomorrow, Antonio Arcidiacono writes.

tech-i 50: testing what's possible with 5G production

tech-i magazine reaches its milestone 50th issue this month, with 5G figuring strongly. There's a report on RTVE's latest tests of 5G-based production and an insight into how 5G Broadcast could make a...

PTS 2022 to embrace sustainable and virtual worlds

It's full steam ahead for PTS 2022 (1-3 February) online, with a programme covering everything from AI-based content production to content provenance tracking, object-based media, 5G, virtual studio environments...

An algorithm to promote unique public service journalism

Sveriges Radio won the 2021 EBU Technology & Innovation Award for “News Values, the Public Service Algorithm”. Olle Zachrison, Head of Digital News Strategy at SR, explains how the system both promotes...

A more practical solution for 3D animation today

The EBU and several member organizations are collaborating on an IBC Accelerator project with a final POC showcase to be demonstrated as part of IBC 2021.

BBC’s new home for radio, music and podcasts

BBC’s integrated audio platform was another of the finalists in 2021 EBU Technology & Innovation Award. Lloyd Shepherd provides the background to the project.

Recommending a solid foundation for UHDTV development

The EBU UHDTV Strategy Support group recently delivered two recommendations that provide valuable ready-to-use guidance.

Rai Virtual LIS: an avatar for sign language applications

A runner-up in 2021 EBU T&I Award, the Rai Virtual LIS platform is an excellent example of PSM using technology to help fulfil the public service remit. Mauro Rossini, Carmen Marino and Andrea del Principe...

Adapt, invent, evolve – news tools for a pandemic

Morwen Williams, Director of UK Operations at BBC News, describes how three groundbreaking tools were developed quickly as the first lockdown began, a project that was a runner-up for the 2021 EBU T&I...

Opinion: Why IP networks and data management are the top priorities

Trends in both content and the technology used to deliver and consume it point to some key focus areas for public broadcasters in the coming years, writes Rai’s Chief Technology Officer Stefano Ciccotti.

Being loud about loudness, for the benefit of radio listeners

The EBU working group on audio loudness normalization, PLOUD, has produced new guidelines that specifically target radio use cases, writes group chair Florian Camerer (ORF).

"A recipe that works – let’s use it!"

"In time, I believe, we will see that 2021 marked the beginning of a new golden age for collaboration among public service media in Europe", EBU Director of Technology & Innovation Antonio Arcidiacono...

5G Broadcast and DTT sharing of UHF band and broadcast infrastructure possible, EBU reports find

Two new EBU reports (EBU TR 063 and 064) conclude that a 5G Broadcast system could be safely introduced alongside existing DTT in the contested UHF band, and that existing broadcast towers could be used...

EBU experts and partners to discuss the future of IP facilities at JT-NM event hosted by SMPTE

‘IP Facilities – The Big Picture’, Presented by the Joint Taskforce on Networked Media, delivered through SMPTE+ is slated for 5 October 2021.

BBC to present its work on AI at next AIDI workshop

The Artificial Intelligence and Data Initiative (AIDI) will put the spotlight on the BBC and their work on AI and data, both in R&D and production, at the next of a series of virtual visits organized by...