“Fascinating!", "just super-hype", "marvellously real", "only a dream”, ... that is what you may hear about 3D. But what is it really? How do humans process 3D? Why can we actually see three-dimensionally with a flat screen?
This 3D workshop was intended to answer your questions on ‘human factors’ related to 3D-TV. For that Dr. Med Peter Höh has been invited, who is a doctor in charge at the Höh Eye Clinic in Karlsruhe, Germany. He has a long experience as an eye doctor. For more than 20 years Dr. Höh has specialized in modern laser technology and is responsible as a quality manager to guarantee the quality and improvement of medical treatments. He is interested in natural stereoscopic viewing, Stereo 3D technology, and its impact on the human being.
Dr. Höh and Jenny Read, a Royal Society Research Fellow at Newcastle University, UK, have explored how humans react to stereo 3D (S3D), have considered S3D from a medical and research point of view, and alerted you to several human factors in 3D-TV, and live production. Jenny`s work concerns the neuronal mechanisms underlying stereopsis, and the humans` ability to perceive distance from the small differences in the two eyes' view of the world. Additionally to Jenny`s work, she is chair of a psychology human ethics committee.
S3D basics, use cases, recommendations and the Human Visual System have all been addressed in the workshop.
For additional information, contact Yvonne Thomas (EBU) or Elisabeth Ecoffey (EBU).