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Day 1: Introduction - Peter MacAvock, EBU
Session 1: Current state of internet broadband network
• Is broadband delivery an alternative for terrestrial broadcast? - Jorma Laiho, YLE
• Penetration to the home of broadband networks in Europe - Detlef Eckert, EC
• Are mobile networks ready for video distribution? - Eric Rosier, Ericsson
• Using internet network measurement tools to improve transparency of speed and delivery - George Wright, BBC
• Internet Video Quality: State of Art - Prashanth Pappu, Conviva
Session 2: video distribution techniques over the broadband network
• The Italian experience in both broadband delivery and hybrid scenarios - Davide Milanesio, RAI
• MPEG DASH: a universal enabler format for ubiquitous distribution & multidevice play-out - Thomas Stockhammer, Qualcomm
• Advantages of CDN services in different network topologies - Stef van der Ziel, Jet-Stream BV
• How open CDN interfaces will help broadcasters' future IP-distribution - Yannick Le Louédec, Orange Labs
• The advantages of the next era of P2P video distribution - Jari Ahola, VTT
Day 2: Introduction - Bram Tullemans, EBU
Session 3: First screen, second screen, multi-screen
• Experiences in Spain with hybrid and second screen services - Francisco Asensi, RTVE
• How to roll out and implement a successful second screen application - Hendrik Dacquin, Small Town Heroes
• Connected TV outlook: a manufacturer's perspective on portals, standards and ecosystems - Paul Szucs, Sony
• How to implement MPEG DASH - guide to meda formats and HTML5 predictions - Kilroy Hughes, Microsoft
• The Changing Shape of TV Measurement - Enrico Verhulst, comScore
Session 4: Future of the broadband internet network
• Managing end-to-end in the future - a Dutch story where net neutrality is the law - Egon Verharen, NPO
• Net neutrality: a regulator's vision - Maxime Forest, Arcep
• Is there a future for broadcast specific networks or will there be only broadband internet? - Christopher Ryder, Net Insight
• What kinds of cloud service are interesting for broadcasters? - Alex Mestre, Abertis Telecom